Page:Frank Owen - The Scarlett Hill, 1941.djvu/51

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The Scarlet Hill

right speech be found. In thorough cleanliness of apparel, and in regular use of the bath, will right beauty be found.'"

"I am doubly virtuous," cried Yuhan, laughing, "for I have had two baths this one day."

The Amah tried very hard to appear shocked. Decorously she continued reading, "'In undivided attention to spinning and weaving, without laughing and play-ing'—"

"What nonsense is this?" exclaimed Yuhan. "Even you cannot believe that."

"'And in seeing that food and wine are properly served, will right duties be found. These four offer scope to the energies of woman; they must not be neglected. There need be no difficulty, if only there is determination. A philosopher of old said, "Is goodness really so far off? I wish for goodness, and lo! here it is."'"

"The water is growing cold," said Yuhan. She rose to her feet. Her slender wet body glistened in the lantern light like golden metal.

The Amah wrapped a large linen towel about her.

"Before I put on my robe, have you not a special perfume that I may use?" asked Yuhan.

"There is no fragrance like unto the sweet flesh of a beloved woman."

"Where did you read that?"

"That is age-old knowledge."

"Old yet always new. Not like the stilted precepts