Page:Frank Packard - Greater Love Hath No Man.djvu/267

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"An' haow did you come to know of it if no one told you?"

"I had walked a long way along the beach toward the headland," Janet replied. "When I returned, I came up the cliff at the other end of the village near the lock-up, and I saw them go in there with him—and come away without him."

"Well," admitted Captain Sully, patting thoughtfully at the bandage on his head, "I dunno but that's tol'rable fair evidence. An' naow 'baout seein' me goin' by the house an' you purtendin' to go to your room an' runnin' out after me instead—I don't just seem to get my bearin's somehaow 'baout that."

"I want your help"—Janet leaned forward and caught his arm.

"Help?" said Captain Jonah Sully bewilderedly.

"To get Varge out of there," she said, in a low, strained tone.

"Landsakes!" ejaculated the little skipper, stepping hastily back. "Be you mad? Why—why, it's agin the law!"

"I have come to you because I must have help"—Janet had caught his arm again, and was speaking tensely. "I am not mad. He saved my life once at the risk of his own."

"Jerooshey!" gasped Jonah Sully. "You don't tell! Saved your life, did he? Well, I dunno as I blame you any for wantin' to get him out then, an'—" Captain Jonah Sully stopped suddenly, and his jaw sagged a little—"why, say," said he excitedly, "come to think of it, I reckon he saved mine too—last night—I'd have gone overboard sure or been drowned washin' 'raound on the