Page:Freud - The history of the psychoanalytic movement.djvu/72

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NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASE MONOGRAPH SERIES Edited by Drs. SMITH ELY JELLIFFE and WM. A. WHITE Numbers Issued , i. Outlines of Psychiatry. (5th Edition ) $3.00. By Dr. William Ai White. a. Studies in Paranoia. (Out of Print.) By Drs. N. Gierlich and M. Friedman. . The Psychology of Dementia Praecox. COut of Print) . By Dr. C G.Jung, . Selected Papers on Hysteria and other psychoneuroses. <2d Edition.) $2.50. By Prof. Sigmund Freud. . TheWassermannSerumDiagnosisinPsychiatry. $2.00. ByDr.FelixPlaut. . Epidemic Poliomyelitis. New York, 1907. (Outof Print). . Three Contributions to Sexual Theory. (2d Ed.) $2.00. By Prof. Sigmund Freud. $2.00.

Mental Mec ims. By Dr. Wm. A. White, (Outof Print-) . Studies in sychiatry. $2.00. New York Psychiatrical Society. xo. Handbook of Mental Examination Methods. $2.00. (Out of P: at.) By Shepherd Ivory Franz. . The Theory of Schizophrenic Negativism. $0.60. By Professor E. Bleuler. . Cerebellar Functions. $3.00. By Dr. Andre-Thomat. . History of Prison Psychoses. $1.25. By Drs. P. Nitsche and K s Wilmanns. . General Paresis. $3.00." . Dreams and Myths. $ t.oo. i<5. Poliomyelitis. $3.00. By Prof. E; Kraepelrn. By Dr, Karl Abraham. Dr. I. Wickmann. . Freud s Theories of the Neuroses. $2.00. Dr. E. HitBchmann, . The Myth of the Birth of the Hero. $1.00. Dr. Otto Rank, . The Theory of Psychoanalysis. $1.50. Dr. C. G. Jung. . Vagotonia. $1.00. By Drs. Eppinger and Hess.

. Wishf ulfillment and Symbolism in Fairy Tales. $i .00. 

By Dr. Ricklin. . The Dream Problem. $0.60. By Dr. A. E. Maeder. . The Significance of Psychoanalysis for the Men al Sciences. $1.50. By Dr. 0. Rank and D. H. Sachs. . Study of Organ Inferiority and .its Psychical Compen sation. A Contribution to Clinical Medicine. $1,50. By Alfred Adler. . The History of the Psychoanalytic Movement. $0.60. By Prof. S. Freud.