Page:From Constantinople to the home of Omar Khayyam.djvu/505

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��Small superior numbers after the page-numbers refer to the footnotes. The let- ter n refers to the continuation of a footnote that began on a previous page.

In the alphabetic arrangement of Arabic names the prefix oZ- has been disregarded, but not the elements Ibn and Abu.

��Abbas the Great, Shah, founding of the citadel at Baku ascribed building of the caravansarai at transplanted Georgians to Abba- named on a tablet at Nishapur, erected a shrine at Kadamgah, made a pilgrimage to Mashad, Abbas Kuli Khan, ruler of Nishapur,

formerly called Asadabad, 206^ Abd al-Hamid, annalist, descrip- tion of the Moghul Peacock Abdalonimus, sarcophagus at Con- Abdullah, Taharid ruler, chose Nish- Afghans, Nadir Shah checked at the Sar-Darrah Pass by the, Afrid(h)un, first stage from Rai Paredon an older form of, 132^ Agha Muhammad Shah, Shah Rukh forced to give up a throne by, tortured Shah Rukh at Damghan, Ahmad Razi, a legend of Sabzavar

��refers to an enormous rhubarb time of journey from Rai to, 125, Akhoshir, river, 172^ Akhurin, post-station, 178° Alexander the Great, supposed sar- founding of walls at Derbent as- first day's march of, from Ragha, halted on second night at Aradan, third day's march of, to Lasgird, brief halt of, at Lasgird or Sur- route of, from Hecatompylos, legendary prophecy of, regarding passed through Tus, 278, 279° Ali Yah Khan of Mazinan, reha- Aliabadh, post-station, 179° Anushirvan, see Khusrau I Anvari, poet, said to have studied Apameia, suggested identification

of, wiih Lasgird, 142' aqueducts, subterranean, 141, 159,

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