Page:From Yauco to Las Marias.djvu/139

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The Engagement at Las Marias

Difficulties encountered in locating the retreating enemy — Final determination upon pursuit — Lieutenant-Colonel Burke sets forth — Discovery of Spanish troops near Las Marias — A one-sided encounter — Unwelcome notification of truce — The rest of the brigade comes up — Feeding the prisoners — Our disappointment.

Headquarters Independent Brigade (Regulars),

Mayaguez, Puerto Rico,

Aug. 22, 1898.

General J. C. Gilmore, Headquarters of the Army,
Ponce, P.R.

Sir, — . . . Detachments from the cavalry troop went out (from Mayaguez) in the afternoon of the 11th on both roads leading to Lares; but the left hand or westerly of these roads was followed only a short distance, information, thought to be reliable, having been received to the effect that the bulk of the enemy's force had taken the more east-