Page:From the West to the West.djvu/106

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with ' water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink/ I 'm too tired to write, and too sleepy to think."

On the evening of May 29 she added: "We started early, and reached Fort Kearney after eight miles of heavy wheeling, where we halted to write letters for the folks at home, and examine many things quaint and crude and curious. The old fort is weather-worn, and a general air of dilapidation pervades its very atmosphere. There are two substantial dwellings for the officers, though; and they ( I mean the officers) keep up a show of military pomp, very amusing to us, but quite necessary to maintain in an Indian country, to hold the savage instinct in check. The officers were very gracious to daddie, and very kind and condescending to the rest of us. They made us a present of some mounted buffalohorns, some elks' antlers, and the stuffed head of a mountain sheep, all of which, mother says, we'll be glad to leave at the roadside before the weary oxen haul them very far.

"A week ago a party passed us, going westward with a four-wheeled wagon, two yokes of discouraged oxen, two anxious-looking men, two dispirited women, and about fourteen snub-nosed, shaggy-headed children. On their wagon-cover was a sign, done in yellow ochre, which read: * Oregon or bust! ' To-day we met the same outfit coming back, and no description from my unpractised pen can do it justice. The party, doubtless from overcrowding, had quarrelled; and the two families had settled their dispute by dividing the wagon into two parts of two wheels each. On the divided and dilapidated cover of each cart were smeared in yellow ochre the words, * Busted, by thunder! "May 30. We forded the Platte to-day. It is a broad, lazy, milky sheet of silt-thickened water, with a quicksand bottom. It is about two miles wide at this season of the year at the ford, and is three feet deep.

"The day was as hot as a furnace, and the simshine