Page:From the West to the West.djvu/146

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newly awakened hope, in spite of her demurrer, and her heart beat hard.

"Do you intend to do what you know to be right in the sight of God? or do you mean to remain a slave all the days of your life to the idle words of men and women who care nothing for you, and to whom you owe no allegiance? Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart. At least, I so read the Scripture, which you say is your rule of faith and practice."

"But we owe allegiance to the English Church and to human law, my child."

"That is true; and I for one intend to obey the laws of man till they are amended, although I was allowed no voice in their construction. But, thanks to the progressive spirit of the age, we have divorce courts established almost everywhere throughout the civilized world, so anybody can obey the law and still * to his own self be true.' "

"No divorce can be had in our church. Daphne, except for a nameless crime."

"That ruling is a relic of barbarism. I will see that the way is opened for both you and Donald to obey the law and be honest with yourselves also."

"But how about Mr. Burns? Does- your rule apply to him?"

"We won't discuss that matter, mamma. Mr. Burns fully understands that I am not a free woman, and he has no right to discuss with me a question that I am not at liberty to consider. Although I despise the law that holds me in its thrall, I will obey it till it is annulled."

"You don't know what you 're saying, child."

"Yes, I do, mamma. I have studied the law carefully. I shall obey it in everything I undertake."

"Don't you know that Rollin Burns is a pauper?"

"That's neither here nor there. The possible future relations between Mr. Burns and myself are neither supposable nor discussable under present conditions. What