Page:From the West to the West.djvu/186

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one of

the wagons. After you 've had a sound sleep and a good breakfast, you can go on your way refreshed."

"But I've got to talk it out. You're like all the rest! You want me to be quiet, when the rocks and stones would cry out against me if I did!"

"You'll take a drink of our * Number Six,' won't you?" asked the Little Doctor. "Here it is. I've mixed and sweetened it for you."

She grasped the decoction and gulped it eagerly.

"Thanks," she said, returning the cup. "I must be going now. I've stayed too long already. The Danites will be after me. Do you think any of them are in hearing now? President Young put me under their surveillance before they'd let me start. He put his hands on my head and blessed me, too. Talk about your popes! Why, Brigham Young can discount a ten-acre field full of Apostolic successors, and be the father of a whole regiment of American progeny in the bargain. I know you think I 'm crazy, but there's plenty of method in my madness. I 'm not half as crazy as I act and talk."

"Will the Danites protect you till you reach the end of your journey?" asked Jean. "Are you sure?"

"Not if they catch me among Grentiles. President Young took precautions to prevent me from talking to outsiders, he thought. I mustn't be seen here. But I must tell you before I go that his blessing came direct from Grod. It filled my very marrow-bones with light. It was like phosphorus in the dark, or diamonds in the sunlight. I felt like a bird! No man can do these things that President Young is doing unless God be with him."

"Do you believe that Brigham Young is really inspired of God?" asked Mary, incredulously.

"It is by their fruits that we know them, miss. Zion has been greatly blessed under the ministrations and guidance of President Young."

"Then why do you wish to escape from his kingdom?" asked Marjorie.