Page:From the West to the West.djvu/189

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I can," cried Jean.

Every error under the sun is mixed with good, or it couldn't exist at all," said Scotty. "But the truth remains that the Universe with all that it contains exemplifies the Divine Idea. God IS.

<* * AH are but parts of one stupendous whole, Whose mother Nature is, and God the soul. "You see, I Ve altered the thought a little, Mrs. McAlpin; but I look to the shade of Pope for pardon. If he were with us to-day, he would doubtless accept my amendment. We can't know much about the mystery we call God. It makes little difference to the humanity of the various nations of the eartfi, all of whom must worship the Divine Idea, whether it be called Vishnu, Chrishna, Isis, Allah, Jehovah—"

"These learned disquisitions over things unknown make me very weary," yawned Jean.

And border on blasphemy," added Mary. We had better go to bed," exclaimed the Captain, rising. "These questions have taken a wide range, and we Ve all followed that poor Mormon devotee beyond her depth and our own."

"But such discussions relieve the monotony of travel and sometimes lead to independent thought," said Lengthy, who had sat squat upon his heels and haunches, a silent listener.

"God be with our Mormon sister," said Scotty, rising and adjusting his crutches. "Let us hope for her a safe journey to some friendly spot where polygamy ceases from troubling, and the saints are at rest!"

"That's from the Bible," cried Hal. *' Nobody can conceive of a better method of expressing an idea than that modelled after the language of the Bible," was the ready retort. "If I were ^s pronounced an agnostic as our Captain pretends to be, which I am not, I'd read my Bible daily, if for no other reason than