Page:From the West to the West.djvu/294

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isolation, which small farms would remedy. This little home is a perfect gem. Mother will be delighted."

"And the Robinson old folks will have congenial neighbors. I can shut my eyes and see father now, hobbling about the place with his cane, pulling a weed here and a flower there, tending the horse and cow and garden, planting his onions and potatoes in the dark of the moon, as of old, and his cabbage and peas and beans when it is full."

"And think how mother will enjoy her poultry and posies! But we must do something to relieve Lije of his burden of debt, or he'll drive Mollie to suicide."

"I feel under no obligation to Lije, God knows! But for Mollie's sake, I'll see about helping him out."

"Do you still intend to leave for the coast tomorrow?"

"No/' said Joseph. "I spoke hastily. This is Sunday. We can't complete our business to-day. I will see the agent and settle about this little farm in the morning. After we get the old folks comfortable it will be time to consider Lije. He must wait."

"I've been thinking all day," said John, as they were journeying homeward, "that the entire running machinery of the home should be intrusted to women, who are the real home-makers. My Annie planned for the support of her parents, and made them modestly independent by a stroke of her pen. But she could not have done it if I had continued obstinate about signing the deed; and I am very much afraid I could not have been prevailed upon to do it if it hadn't been for the persistence of Jean. She gave me no peace till the conveyance was made. If women possessed law-making power, these matters would in time be adjusted, and both men and women would be the gainers in the long run. But both men and women are as short-sighted as they are selfish. Solomon was right when he said: ' There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet.