Page:Frontinus - The stratagems, and, the aqueducts of Rome (Bennet et al 1925).djvu/325

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STRATAGEMS. IV. i. 24.1-31

the Senate ordered that no reinforcements should be sent them, unless . . .

The legions Avhieh had refused to serve in the Punic War 1 were sent into a kind of banishment in Sicily, and by vote of the Senate wei*e put on barley rations for seven years. -

Because Gaius Titius, commander of a cohort, had given way before some runaway slaves, Lucius Piso ordered him to stand daily in the headquarters of the camp, barefooted, with the belt of his toga cut and his tunic ungirt, and wait till the night- watchmen came. He also commanded that the culjirit should forgo banquets and baths. ^

Sulla ordered a cohort and its centurions, through whose defences the enemy had broken, to stand continuously at headquarters, wearing helmets and without uniforms.

When Domitius Corbulo was campaigning in Armenia, a certain Aemilius Rufus, a praefect of cavalry, gave way before the enemy. On discovering that Rufus had kept his squadron inadequately equipped with Aveapons, Corbulo directed the lictors to strip the clothes from his back, and ordered the culprit to stand at headquarters in this unseemly plight until he should be released.*

When Atilius Regulus was crossing from Samnium to Luceria and his troops turned away from the enem}' whom they had encountered, Regulus blocked their i*etreat with a cohort, as they fled, and ordered them to be cut to pieces as deserters.^

The consul Cotta, when in Sicily, flogged a certain Valerius, a noble military tribune belonging to the 'alerian gens.^

The same Cotta, >v|ien about to cross over to