Page:Frontinus - The stratagems, and, the aqueducts of Rome (Bennet et al 1925).djvu/433

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Aqueducts of Rome, I. 37–44

putation spoken of,[1] and correcting the four which the water-men have altered. To these specifications all ajutages in use ought to conform, or if those four remain in use, they ought to be gauged by the number of quinariae which they contain. The ajutages that are not in use are so referred to.

The inch ajutage[2] is 1 digit plus 1/3 of a digit in diameter; it contains more than a quinaria by 1 1/2 twelfths of a quinaria plus 3/288 plus 2/3 of 1/288. The square digit has the same height as breadth. The square digit converted into its equivalent circle is 1 digit plus 1 1/2 twelfths of a digit plus 1/72 in diameter; it measures 10/12 of a quinaria. The circular digit is 1 digit in diameter; and measures 7/12 plus a 1/2 twelfth plus 1/72 of a quinaria in area.

The quinaria: 1 digit plus 3/12 in diameter; 3 digits plus 1/2 plus 5/12 plus 3/288 circumference; it has a capacity of 1 quinaria.

The 6-pipe: 1 1/2 digits in diameter; 4 digits plus 1/2 plus 2/12 plus 1/24 plus 2/288 in circumference; it has a capacity of 1 quinaria plus 5/12 plus 7/288.

The 7-pipe: 1 digit plus 1/2 plus 3/12 in diameter: 5 digits plus 1/2 in circumference; it has a capacity of 1 quinaria, plus 1/2 plus 5/12 plus 1/24; is not in use.

The 8-pipe: 2 digits in diameter; 6 digits plus 3/12 plus 10/288 in circumference; it has a capacity of 2 quinariae plus 1/2 plus 1/24 plus 5/288.

The 10-pipe: 2 1/2 digits in diameter; 7 digits plus 1/2 plus 4/12 plus 7/288 in circumference; it has a capacity of 4 quinariae.

The 12-pipe: 3 digits in diameter; 9 digits plus 1/5 12 plus 3/288 in circumference; it has a capacity of 5 quinariae plus 1/2 plus 3/12 plus 3/288; is not in use.

  1. Cf. 26 ff.
  2. Cf. 26.