Page:Frontinus - The stratagems, and, the aqueducts of Rome (Bennet et al 1925).djvu/449

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Aqueducts of Rome, II. 67–68

quantity which is computed at the reservoir from the gauges set up there, along with what is carried around the reservoir and received in the same channel on arches, is 2,914 quinariae. The aggregate of what is delivered above the reservoir or is received on arches is 3,295 quinariae,—more than is set down in the scheduled capacity by 1,133 quinariae, and less than given by the gaugings made at the intake by 1,395 quinariae. After passing the reservoir, it delivered 1,840 quinariae,—227 quinariae less than we said was set down in the scheduled capacitv, and 1,104 quinariae less than is taken from the reservoir upon the arches. The aggregate of what was lost either between the intake and the reservoir or downstream from the reservoir, was 2,499 quinariae, the diversion of which, as in case of the other aqueducts, we discovered at several places. For that there is no lack of water is manifest also from the fact that at the intake, besides the volume which we noted that we found from the capacity of the conduit, over 300 quinariae are wasted.[1]

Tepula is credited in the records with 400 quinariae. This aqueduct has no springs; it consists only of some veins of water taken from Julia.[2] Its intake is therefore to be set down as beginning

  1. Marcia was received into a catch-basin. In the following computations, Frontinus sometimes includes and sometimes disregards the amounts given to Tepula and Anio. (1) The measurements at the intake showed 4,690 quinariae, the records credited 2,162 quinariae, a discrepancy of 2,528 quinariae; (2) between the iniake and the reservoir 351 quinariae were delivered (including those given to Tepula and Anio), and measurements at the reservoir showed 2,944 quinariae, thus revealing a loss of 1,395 quinariae above the reservoir; (3) above and below the reservoir, there were delivered in all 95 plus 1,840 quinariae (this does not take account of the contributions to Tepula and Anio), 227 fewer quinariae than the amount credited in the records; and the amount delivered below the reservoir was 1,104 quinariae less than the amount measured at the reservoir. Since the amount at the intake was 4,690 quinariae, and the total distribution (including the amounts given to Tepula and Anio) amounted to 2,191 quinnriae, there remained 2,499 quinariae still unaccounted for.
  2. Cf. 9, 19.