Page:Frontinus - The stratagems, and, the aqueducts of Rome (Bennet et al 1925).djvu/45

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The authoritative critical edition is that of Bücheler (Leipzig, 1858). In preparing it he consulted C and both Vatican manuscripts, and aimed to retain the reading of the codex whenever possible. He has taken great pains to atone for the copyist's carelessness by indicating for each lacuna the exact number of letters to be supplied. He has also bracketed many conjectures which have crept into the text as glosses, and where he has admitted his own or others' conjectures, he has clearly marked them as such. His text differs in places from the reading of C as shown by the facsimile in Herschel's edition, where he has failed to note the divergence. This may be due to inaccuracies in his copy of C.

In 1899 Clemens Herschel visited the monastery at Monte Cassino and succeeded in securing a facsimile of C which stands in the front of his work, The Two Books on the Water Supply of the City of Rome. This work includes not only the translation of the De Aquis, but also several chapters treating of the measuring and distribution of water, water rights in Rome, the building of aqueducts, etc.

Among the important works relating to the study of the Roman aqueduct system, the first to mention is, of course, the epoch-making treatise of Rodolfo Lanciani, Topografia di Roma antica, i commentarii di Frontino intorno le aque e le aque dotti, silloge epigrafica aquaria, Memorie delle classe di scienze morali, stor. e filol. della accad. dei Lincei bol. 4 (1881), p. 315. Other books and monographs are:

A. Rocchi, Il diverticolo Frontin. all' acqua Tepula, Studi e docum. di storia e diritto 17 (1896), p. 125.

K. Merckel, Die Ingenieurtechnik im Altertum, Berlin, 1899.
