Page:Frontinus - The stratagems, and, the aqueducts of Rome (Bennet et al 1925).djvu/451

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Aqueducts of Rome, II. 68–70

with the Julian reservoir, for from this it first receives 190 quinariae; then immediately thereafter 92 quinariae from Marcia, and further from New Anio at the Epaphroditian Gardens 163 quinariae. This makes in all 445 quinariae,—more than the records show by 45 quinariae,—which appear in the delivery.[1]

Julia is credited in the records with a measure of 649 quinariae. At the intake the gaugings could not be made, because the intake is composed of several tributaries. But at the sixth mile-stone from the City, Julia is wholly taken into the settling reservoir, at which place its volume, according to the plainly visible gauges, amounts to 1,206 quinariae,—more than set down in the records by 557 quinariae. Besides this, near the City, behind the Gardens of Pallas, it receives from Claudia 162 quinariae, making the whole number of quinariae received by Julia 1,368. Of this amount, it discharges 190 into Tepula, and delivers on its own account 803 quinariae; from this we get a total of 993 quinariae which it delivers,—more than the records credit by 344 quinariae; less than we set it down as having at the reservoir by 213, which is precisely the amount we found diverted by those who were taking water without grant from the sovereign.[2]

Virgo is credited in the records with a measure of 652 quinariae. I could not take a gauging of this

  1. That is, Tepula received and delivered 445 quinariae, while the records credited only 400.
  2. Julia was received into a catch-basin. (1) The measurements there taken showed its volume to bo 1,206 quinariae, while the records credited only 649 quinariae, a discrepancy of 557 quinariae; (2) there were delivered in all 993 quinariae, 344 more than were credited in the records, but 213 less than the gauges showed at the reservoir. (The 162 quinariae received from Claudia are not reckoned in computing this loss.)