Page:Frontinus - The stratagems, and, the aqueducts of Rome (Bennet et al 1925).djvu/528

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IV. i. 11; IV. V. 1; IV. vii. -.'6; IV. vii. 38

(7) Claudius Marcellu.'?, ofliccr under Marius, ii. iv. 6

(8) C. Clainlius Nero, I. i. 9; I. ii. 9; I. V. 19; II. iii. 8; ll. ix. 2

(SI) Ti. Claudius Nero, ll. i. l.j

Cleandridas, ll. iii. 12

Cloarchus, a Spartan general in the Pclopoauesiau War, ill. v. 1 ; iv. i. 17

Cleonienes, king of Sparta, II. ii. 9

Cleonymus, HI. vi. 7

Clisthenes, tyrant of Sicyon, III. vii. « 

Clodius, I. v. 21

Clu?ium, an important town in Etruria, I. viii. 3

Codes, see Horatius

Comtnius, iii. xiii. 1

Commius, ll. xiii. 11

Cononeus, ill. iii. 6

Consabra, iv. v. 19

Corbulo, see Domitius

Corcyreans, the inhabitants of Cor- cyra, an island in the Ionian Sea, I. xii. 11

Corinth, in. xii. 2; iv. iii. 15

Coriolanus, an early Roman patrician condemned to exile by the plebeian assembly. Hero of Shakespeare's play of that name, I. viii. 1

Cornelius : (1) Cornelius Cossus, 426 B.C., II. viii. 9

(2) Cornelius Cossus, consul, 343 B.C., I. V. 14; IV. V. 9

(3) Cornelius Lentulus, IV. v. 5

(4) P. Cornelius Rufinus, III. vi. 4

(5) L.Cornelius Rufinus, III. ix.4 ; (c/. note)

(6) Cornelius Scipio, legatus 297 B.C., II. T. 2

(7) L. Cornelius Scipio, consul 259 B.C., III. X. 2 ; (c/. III. Lx. 4 and note)

(8) Cn. Cornelius Scipio, n. iii. 1 ; IV. iii. 4 ; iv. vii. 9

(9) P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus Major, I. ii. 1 ; I. iii. 5 ; I. iii. 8 ;

I. viii. 10; I. xii. 1; II. i. 1 ;

II. iii. 4; II. iii. 16; II. v. 29;

II. vii. 4 ; II. xi. 5 ; III. vi. 1 ;

III. ix. 1 ; IV. vii. 30 ; iv. vii. 39

(10) L.Cornelius Scipio Asiaticus,

IV. vii, 30 ' •


(11) p. Cornelius Scipio Acniilia- nus Africanus Minor, ii. viii. 7 ; IV. i. 1; IV. i. 5; iv. iii. 9; IV. vii. 4; IV. vii. 16; iv.vii. 27

(12) P. Cornelius Scipio Na.'^ica, IV. i. 15

(13) P. Cornelius Scipio Nasica Corculum, in. vi. 2

(14) P. Cornelius Scipio Nasica Serapio, iv. i. 20

(15) L. Cornelius Sulla, I. v. 17; I. V. 18; I. ix. 2; i. xi. 11 ;

I. xi. 20; II. iii. 17; II. vii. 2;

II. vii. 3; II. viii. 12; Il.ix. 3; IV. i. 27

Cossus, see Cornelius

Cotta, see Aurelius and Aurunculeius

Crassus, see Fonteius, Licinius,

Otacilius Craterus, III. vi. 7 Crispinus, see Quintius Crissaei, the inhabitants of Crissa, a

town in Phocis, III. vii. 6 Croesus, the last king of Lydia, I. v.

4; II. iv. 12; III. viii. 3 Crotona (Croton), a Greek town in

southern Italy, in. vi. 4 Crotonienses, lli. vi. 4 C^ibii, II. si. 7 Cunctator, see Fabius Curio, see Scribonius Curius, M'. Curius Dentatus, a hero

of the Roman republic, I. viii. 4 ;

II. ii. 1; IV. iii. 12 (Cursor, see Papirius Cyprus, the island, ll. ix. 10 Cyrrhestes, a native of Cyrrhestica, a

province of Syria, I. i. 6 Cyrus, the Elder, king of Persia, I. xi.

19; II. V. 5; ill. iii. 4: III. viii. 3 Cyrus, the Younger, iv. ii. 5: IV. ii. 7 Cyzicenes, the inhabitants of Cyzicus,

III. xiii. 6

Cyzicus, a town and island north of Asia Minor, III. ix. 6 ; IV. v. 21

Daci, the people of Dacia, on the

north bank of the Danube, I. x. 4;

II. iv. 3 Dardanicum bellum, iv. i. 43 Darius, king of Persia, I. v. 25 Datames, a distinguished Persian

general, II. vii. 9 Decelea, a deme in Attica, north of

Athens, l. iii. 9