Page:Frontinus - The stratagems, and, the aqueducts of Rome (Bennet et al 1925).djvu/531

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Hispani, the Spaniards, II. iii. 1 : II.

iv. 17; II. V. 31; II. x. 1 ; IV. v. 19 Hispania, Spain, I. i. 1 ; I. i. 12 ; 1. ii.

5; I. iii. 5; I.v. 1; I. v. 8; I. v. IL';

I. V. 19; II. i. 1; II. 1. 2; II. i. S;

II. iii. 1; II. iii. 4; II. iii. a; II. iii. 11; II. V. 14; II. T. 31; II. v. 32 ;

II. i.i. 2; II. X. 1; II. xi. 5; II. xii. 2; II. xiii. 6; III. i. 2; III. vii. 3;

III. xiv. 1; III. xviii. 1; IV. i. 23;

IV. iii. 4; IV. v. 8; IV. vii. 31; IV. vii. 42

Hiopaniae. II. x. 2 Homericus versus, II. iii. 21 Horatius Oocles, the defender of the

bridge against the Etruscans under

Porsenna, II. xiii. 5 Hostilius (Tullus H.), third king of

Kome, II. vii. 1 Hyda^pes, a river in India, I. iv. 9 Hvllii, the lUyrians, II. iii. 2

lapydes, a people of Illyria, II. v. 28 Herda, a town in Spain, ll. v. 38; II.

xiii. 6 Ilergetes, a people of Spain, I v. vii. 31 Illyrii, the Illyrians, a people on the

eastern shore of the Adriatic, II. v.

10; II. V. 19; in. vi. 3 ladi, the people of India, i. iv. 9 Indibile, a town in Spain, II. iii. 1 Indus, the river in India, I. iv. 9a Initia, a fortress in Armenia, IV. i.

21 Iphicrates, a famous Athenian general,

I. iv. 7; I. V. 24; I. vi. 3; II. i. .5;

II. i. 6; II. V. 42; II. xii. 4; III. xii. 2; IV. vii. 23

Isaura, a town in Asia Minor, III. vii. 1 Isthmos (of Corinth), ll. v. 26 Italici, the Italians, II. iii. 16; II.

iu. 17 Italy, I. iii. 2; I. iii. 8; I. iv. 11; I.v.

5 ; et passim

Juba, a Numidian king, II. v. 40

Judaei, the Jews, II. i. 17

Jugurtha, a Numilian king, I. viii. 8;

II. i. 13; II. iv. 10 Jugurthinum bellum, ill. ix. 3 ; IV.

1.2 Julius Caesar, I. i. 5 ; I. iii. 2 ; x. v. 5 ;

I.v. 9; I. viii. 9: I. ix. 4; I. xl. 3;

I. xii. 2; ll.i. 11; Il.i. 16; II. ii. 3; I.m, 18; n. iii. 22; II. v, 20; ll.v.

38;; II. vii. 13; II. viii. 13;

II. xiii. 6; II. xiii. 11, III. vii. 2;

III. xiv. 1 : III. xvii. 4 ; III. xvii. 6 ;

IV. V. 2; IV. V. 11; IV. vii. 1; iv. vii. 32

Julius Civilis, IV. iii. 14 Junius : (1) D. Junius Brutus, consul, 138 B.C., IV. i. 20

(2) D. Junius Brutus, consul 43 B.C., III. xiii. 7; III. xiii. 8

(3) M. Junius Brutus, IV. ii. 1

(4) M. Junius Pera, ii. v. 25 Jupiter, I. xii. 12

Kaeso, see Fabius

Laberius, I. v. 15; IV. v. 10 Labienus : (1) T. Labienus, a lieute-

rant of Caesar, II. v. 20; li. vii. 13 (2) T. Labienus, son of No. 1, II. V. 36 Lacedaemon, Sparta, I. i. 10; III. xi.

5; IV. vii. 13 Lacedaemonji, the Lacedaemonians,

I. i. 10; I. iii. 7; I. iii. 9; I. iv. 2

I.iv.l2; i.xi.6; I.xi.7; I. xi. 16

I. xii. 5; I. xii. 7; Il.i. 6; II. i. 10 Il.ii. 12; II. ii. 13; II. v. 26; II. v 42; II. V. 47; II. xi. 4; III. xi. 5

III. xii. 1; III. XV. 2; IV. ii. 6

IV. ii. 9; IV. V. 12; I v. vii. 13 Lacetani, a people of Spain, III. x. 1 Laelil, IV. v. 14

Laelius : (1) C. Laelius, the friend of Scipio -Vfricanus, the elder, I. i. 3; I. ii. 1; ll. iii. 16

(2) D. Laelius, an adherent of Pompey, II. v. 31

(3) IV. V. 14 Laenas, see Popilius Laevinus, see Valerius Latin League, iv. vii. 25 Latina lingua, it. iv. 10

Latini, the people of Latiimi, I. xi. 8;

II. viii. 4

Latinum nomen, iv. vii. 25 Lauron, a town in Spain, II. v. 31 I.entulus, see Cornelius I-eonidas, the hero of Thermopylae,

IV. V. 13 Leotychidas, a Spartan admiral, I. xi. 7 Leptines, ll. v. 11 Leucadia, a town and island in the

Ionian Sea, ill. iv. 5 Liburni, an Illyrian people, ii. v. 43