Page:Frontinus - The stratagems, and, the aqueducts of Rome (Bennet et al 1925).djvu/533

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Jfilo, III. iii. 1

Miltiades, the celebrated Athenian

(general, ll. ix. 8 Miiularus, II. v. 44 Minerva, the goddess, III. ii. 8; IV.

vii. 13 Miniicius : (1) M. Minucius Bufus, II. V. 22

(2) Minucius Rutus, II. iv. ."5

(3) Q. Minucius Thermus,l.v. 16; I. viii. 10

Mithridates, king o£ Pontus, I. i. 7;

I. V. 18; I. xi. 20; IT. i. 12; II. i. 14; II. ii. 2; II. ii. 3; II. ii. 4;

II. V. 30; II. y. 33; III. xiii. 6;

III. xvii. 5; IV. V. 21 Mithridaticus exercitus, II. viii. 12 Aiolossi, a people of Epirus, n. v. 19 Mulucha, a river in northern Africa,

Ill.ix. 3 Mummius, the general who destroyed

Corinth, IV. iii. 15 Munda, a city in Spain, II. viii. 13 Munychia, one of the tliree Athenian

harbours, I. v. 7 Mutina, a city of Cisalpine Gaul, I.

vii. 5; III. xiii. 7 Jlutinenses, III. xiv. 3 Mvrina, a city of Aeolis in Asia Minor,

IV. V. 16

Myronides, II. iv. 11 ; IV. vii. 21

Naevius, centurion, IV. vii. 29

Nasica, see Cornelius

Nautius, II. iv. 1

Nero, see Claudius

Nicostratus, king of the Aetolians,

I. iv. 4 Xobilior, see Fulvius

Nolani, the inhabitants of Xola, a city in Campania, ill. xvi. 1

Numantia, a city in Spain, ll. viii. 7; IV. i. 1; IV. vii. 27

Numantini, III. xvii. 9 ; TV. v. 23

Ifumidae, Xumidi.ans, I. v. 16; II. ii. 11; II. iii. 16; ll.v. 23; II. v. 27;

II. V. 29; II. V. 40; III. vi. 1; IV. vii. 18

Numidia, a country of northern

Africa, II. iv. 10; IV. vii. 18 Numistro, a city in Lucania, II. ii. 6

Oceanus, the British Channel, n. xiii.

11 Octavius Qraecinus, ii. v. 31

(On.) Octavius, IV. v. 7 Orchoraenos, a city in Bocotia, I. xi. 5 Orestes, son of Agamemnon, i. ii. 8 Osaces, a Parthian general, ll. v. 35 Otacilius Crassus, III. xvi. 3; IV. i. 19

Paclies, an Athenian general, IV. vii.

17 Pacorus, a Parthian general, I. i. 6 Palaepharsalus, ll. iii. 22 Pammenes, a Theban general, II. iii. 3 Pamphylia, a country of Asia Minor,

II. ix. 10 Pannonii, the people of Pannonia, a

country north of Illyricum, ll. i. 15 Panormitani, ill. xvii. 1 Panormus, the modern Palermo, II.

V. 4 Pansa, II. v. 39

Papirius : (1) L. Papirius Cursor, dictator 325 B.C., iv. i. 39 (2) son of No. 1, II. iv. 1 ; III. iii. 1 Papus, see Aemilius Parthi, the Parthians, an Asiatic

people, I. i. 6; II. ii. 5; II. iii. 15;

II. V. 35; II. V. 36; II. v. 37; II.

xiii. 7; IV. ii. 3 Paulus, see Aemilius Pelignus, a Peligniau, a man of Sabine

descent, II. viii. 5 Pelopidas, a celebrated Theban

general, I. v. 2 ; III. viii. 2; IV.

vii. 28 Peloponnesii, the Peloponnesians, I. v.

10; II. xi. 4; III. ix. 9 Peloponnesus, the southern division

of Greece, I. iii. 9 ; II. v. 26 Perdicca?, a general of Alexander the

Great, IV. vii. 20 Pericles, a great Athenian statesman,

I. iii. 7; I. v. 10: I. xi. 10; I. xii. 10; III. ix. 5; ITI.ix. 9

Perperna, the murderer of Sertorius,

II. V. ,32

Persae, the Persians, I. xi. 17; II. ii.

13 ; II. iii. 3 ; II. iii. 13 ; II. ix. 8 ; II.

ix. 10 ; IV. ii. 5 ; IV. v. 13 ; IV. vi. 3. Perses, Perseus, king of Macedonia,

II. iii. 20 Persicum bellum, II. viii. 5 Persicus habitus. III. viii. 3 Persis, Persia, II. iii. Peticus, see Sulpicius