Page:Frontinus - The stratagems, and, the aqueducts of Rome (Bennet et al 1925).djvu/535

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Regini, the inhabitants of Ehegiuni, III. i^. 3

Be^uliis, see Atilius

Rhegium, a Greek town in southern Italy, I. iv. 11; it. i. 38

Ehodii, the inhabitants of the island Rhodes,!. iv. 13a ; I. vii. 4 ; III. ix. 10

Rhodinus, see Hamilcar

Ehyndacup, a river in Asia Minor, III. svii. 5

Romani, Komans, passim; I. vi. 4 I. viii. 1; I. viii. 3; I. viii. 6; I viii.7; I. s. 1 ; II. i. 13; II.iii.l6 III. ii. 3; III. xiii. 1; III. xiii. 2 III. XV. 1; III. XT. 4; III. xvi. 2

III. xvii. 1; III. xviii. 1; m. xviii 2; III. xviii. 3; IV. i. 14; I v. vii. G

Romauum nomen, I. ii. 2

Rome, I. ii. 4; IV. i. 39

Romulns, founder of Rome, II. v. 1

Ruflnus, see Cornelius

Rufus, see Aemilius, Marcius, ilinucius

Rullus, see Fabius

Rutilius Rufus, a Roman statesman,

IV. i. 12; IV, ii. 2

Sabboras, II. v. 40

Sabini, the Sabiues, a people of central

Italy, I. viii. 4; II. viii. 1; II. viii.

10;"lV. iii. 12 Sabinus, see Titurius Saepinum, a town of the Samnites,

IV. i. 24 Saguntini, the inhabitants of Sagun-

tum in Spain, ill. x. 4 Salamis, an island off the west coast

of Attica, II. ii. 14 Salapia, a city in Apulia, IV. vii. 38 Salinator, see Livius SaUentini, a people in south-eastern

Italy, II. iii. 21 Salvius, II. viii. 5 Samii, the inhabitants of Samos, an

island in the Aegean Sea, I. iv. 14 Samnites, the people of Samnlum,

I. viii. 3; I. xi. 2; ii. i. 8; II. iii.

21; II. iv. 1; ll. iv. 2 Samniticum bellum, I. v. 14; II. viii.

11 ; IV. V. 9 Samnium, a country in south central

Italy, I. vi. 1 ; ll. iv. 2 ; IV. i. 29 Sanii, lll.ii. 11; ill. iii. 5 Sardes, Sardls, the capital of Lydia,

III. viii. 3 Sardinia, III. ix. 4; ill. x. 2

Saturnidies, Il.i. 17

Scaurus, see Aemilius

Scipio, see Cornelius

Scipiones, II. vi. 2

Scordisci, a people on the borders of

Illyria, Il.iv. 3; III. x. 7 Scorylo, a Dacian chieftain, I. x. 4 Scribonius Curio : (1) consul 76 B.C.,

IV. i. 43

(2) inCivil War, II.T. 40 Scultenna River, in Cisalpine Gaul,

III. xiii. 7 ; III. xiv. 3

Scythae, the people of Scythia, north

of the Black and Caspian Seas, I. v.

25; II. iv. 20; ll. v. 5; II. viii. 14 Segobrigenses, a people of Spain, III.

X. 6; III, si. 4 Segovienses, a people of Spain, IT. v. 22 Seiniramis, the famous Assyrian

queen. III. vii. 5 Sempronius : (1) Ti. Sempronius Gracchus, IT. vii. 24

(2) T. Sempronius Gracchus, I. xii. 3 (c/. note)

(3) Ti. Sempronius Longus, II.

V. 23

(4) P. Sempronius Tuditanus, IV. V. 7

(5) Ti. Sempronius Gracchus, II. V. 3; II. V. 14; ill. v. 2; IV. vii. 33

Sentinas ager, the country near Sentinum in Umbria, I. viii. 3

Sertorius, a general of Marius, I. v. 1 ; I. V. 8; I, X. 1; I. x. 2; I. xi. 13;

I. xii. 4; II. i. 3; ii. iii. 11; II. V. 31; II. vii. 5; II. xii. 2; il. xiii. 3; ii.xiii. 4; IV. vii. 6

Servilius : (1) Q. Servilius Pritcus, II viii. 8 (2) P. Servilius Vatia, III. vii. 1 ;

IV. V. 1

Servius Tullius, sixth king of Borne,

II. viii. 1

Sicily, I. i. 2; I. iv. 11; I. viii. 11; Il.i. 4; II. V. 4; II. Tii.4; III. iv. 6; 6; HI. x. 9; Ill.xvi. 3;

IV. i. 25; IV. i. 30; IV, i. 44; IV. vii. 22

Siculum fretum, I. vii. 1

Sicyonii, the inhabitants of Sicyon, a

city in the Peloponnesus, III. ii. 10;

III" vii. 6; Ill.ix. 7 Siris, a river in southern Italy, IV. i. 24 Sosistratus, ill. iii. 2