Page:Frontinus - The stratagems, and, the aqueducts of Rome (Bennet et al 1925).djvu/537

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'J'ryphon, a king of S.Tia, II. liii. 2

Tuditauus, sfe Senipronius

Servius Tullius, the sixth king of

Rome, II. viii. 1 (Q) Tallius Cicero, brother of the

orator. III. rvii. C Tullus Hostilius, see Hostilius Tusciis habitus, I. ii. 2

Umbria, a district in north-eat tern

Italy, I. i. 9 Umbri, Umbrians, I. viii. 3

Vadandus, II. ix. 5

Valerius : (1) P. Valerius, II. si. 1

(2) P. Valerius Lae^inus, II. iv. 9 ; IV. i. 24; IV. vii. 7

(3) Valerius, iv. i. 30 Variana clades, III. xv. i ; IV. vii. 8 Varinius, I. v. 22

Varro, see Tcrentius

Veiente", inhabitants of Veii, II. iv.

19; II. vii. 1. Veii, an ancient city of Etruria, III.

siii. 1 Ventidius, a Roman general, famous

for his victory over the Parthians,

I.i. G; Il.ii. 5; II. v. 3U; II. v. 37

Vergiuius, II. i. 7

Vespa.'-ian, the Emperor, II. i. 17; iv.

vi. 4 Vesuvius, I. V. 21 Vetulonia, an ancient city of Etruria,

I. ii. 7 Vibius Pansa, consul 43 B.C., II. v. 39 Viriathus, a celebrated Spanish

general, II. V. 7; ll. xiii. 4; Ill.x.

6; 111.53.4; IV. v. 22 Voccaei, IV. vii. 33 Volsci, a people of Latium, ii. i. 7;

Il.iv.lo; II. viii. 4; II. xii. 1 ; ill.

I. 1 ; IV. vii. 40

Voltivruus, a river in Campania, ll. ii. 7 (c/. note); ill. siv. 2

Xanthippus, the Spartan commander of Carthaginian troops, II. ii. 11;

II. iii. 10

Xanthus, a Boeotian, II. v. 41 Xenophon, the historian, I. iv. 10;

IV. ii. 8; IV. vi. 2 Xerxes, king of Persia, I. iii. G ; II. ii.

14; II. vi. 8; IV. ii. 9

Zeugma, a town in Syria, 1. 1. 6 Zopyrus, a Persian noble. III. iii. 4


