Page:Fruits and Farinacea the Proper Food of Man.djvu/68

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flesh of carnivorous animals—cats, dogs, foxes, &c.! And in order to conquer the "prejudice" which the patient's mind or palate may be supposed to entertain against the ensanguined nutrition, it is farther proposed to season it abundantly with brandy and spices! Such "discoveries" in medical science are much better calculated to carry us back to the dark ages, than to lead to any useful results in the future.

Figs. 9, 10, 11 and 12, represent a group of the herbivora. In all these, and, indeed, in all herbivorous animals, the limbs, mouth, features, expression, and, in short, the entire organization, is in striking contrast with both the carnivorous and omnivorous groups. Here gentleness,

Fig. 10.


peacefulness, and innocence are the prominent traits of character. The mental constitution of the herbivora is as well distinguished from the carnivora and omnivora, as is the bodily conformation. With these, secretiveness and destructiveness are leading propensities; and with herbivora, cautiousness and combativeness. It is worthy of remark that the horse, the stag, the antelope, the bull, &c., will contend to conquer and subjugate; the wolf, the panther, the hyena, the shark. &;c.. tear and rend, to devour and annihilate.

In the herbivorous group, too, are the most hardy and enduring specimens of the animal kingdom; and this fact proves incontestably that, not-