Page:Fugitive Poetry 1600-1878.djvu/25

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An Epistle to The Editor



Dear Friend, it does my old heart cheer,
To learn the time is drawing near
When of my works the world will hear
By your selection:
I do not know well what to say
For th' honour you to me thus pay,
May all success 'tend you, I pray,
And your collection.

But honest wish may selfish seem
To bid success, and I your theme;
Yet when I heard, the Anon, scheme
Tickled my fancy.
I wrote as all the world will know
Purely for good, not fame or show,—
Since none for failure write, I trow,—
Success enhance ye.

Right glad am I this circumstance
Grants me the leave to make advance:
Trust me, I'll use all vigilance
Not to out-run
The care I ever did maintain,
Which does my modesty explain,
For to the end I will remain
Your friend "Anon."

Why would I thus address you? Well,
While you would fain my praises swell,
I'd have you to the public tell
What I have done
In case it is not in your plan,—
That you may my life history scan
Since e'er this world of ours began,
And yet, unknown.