Page:Fugitive Poetry 1600-1878.djvu/579

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What is an epigram? A dwarfish whole,
Its body brevity, and wit its soul.

Russian Epigram.

What is man's history? Born, living, dying—
Leaving the still shore for the troubled wave—
Struggling with storm winds, over shipwrecks flying,
And casting anchor in the silent grave.

Antagonist Sympathies.

On his death-bed poor Lubin lies,
His spouse is in despair;
With frequent sobs, and mutual cries,
They both express their care.

A different cause, says Parson Sly,
The same effect may give;
Poor Lubin fears that he shall die—
His wife, that he may live.

Candle-End Economy.

To make your candles last for aye,
You wives and maids give ear, 0!
To put them out's the only way,
Says honest John Boldero.


Fortune, men say, doth give too much to many:
But yet she never gave enough to any.

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