Page:Fugue by Ebenezer Prout.djvu/42

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[Chap. III.

J. S. Bach. Wohltemperirtes Clavier, Fugue 42.

 \new ChoirStaff << \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f) \new Staff \relative g' { \key gis \minor \time 6/8 gis8^\markup \bold "S" ais b ais dis dis, |
 gis b ais b ais gis | ais b cis b e gis, |
 ais cis b cis b ais | %page change
 b4 bis8 cis4. ~ | cis bis | cis4 cisis8 dis4. ~ |
 dis cisis | dis8 cis!4 ~ cis8 ais bis |
 cis b!4 ~ b8 gis ais_"&c." }
 \new Staff \relative d' { \key gis \minor R2.*4 dis8^\markup \bold "A" eis fis e ais ais, |
 dis fis eis fis eis dis |
 eis fis gis fis b dis, | eis gis fis gis fis eis |
 fis4 fisis8 gis4 fis8 | e4 eis8 fis4 e8 } >>

Here the key of D sharp minor, the dominant of G sharp minor, is not reached till the third bar of the answer.

68. Our next example illustrates a point of considerable importance—

J. S. Bach. Wohltemperirtes Clavier, Fugue 46.

 \new ChoirStaff << \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f) \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical
  \new Staff \relative f' { \key bes \minor \time 3/2 R1.*4
    f2^\markup \bold "A" g2 r4 aes | bes e, f2 r4 g |
    aes8 f g aes bes g aes bes c aes bes c |
    des bes c4 r des g, a8 bes | a4 f' r bes,_"&c." }
  \new Staff \relative b { \key bes \minor
    bes2^\markup \bold "S" c r4 des | ees a, bes2 r4 c |
    des8 bes c des ees c des ees f des ees f |
    ges ees f4 r ges c, des8 ees | des4 a bes b c2 |
    r4 c des d ees e | f1. ~ |
    f4 e8 d e2 r4 ees ~ | ees d8 c d2 } >>

Here the last note of the subject is D flat, the minor third of the tonic; but the last note of the answer is not A flat, the minor third of the dominant, but A natural, the major third.

69. That this is by no means an isolated case will be seen by the following examples, taken from a much larger number that might be given—

Mozart. Requiem.

 \new ChoirStaff <<
  \new Staff \relative d' { \clef tenor \key g \minor \time 4/4 \mark \markup \tiny { ( \italic a ) } R1
    r2 r8^\markup \bold "A" d d d | d8. cis16 cis4 r8 g'4 g8 |
    g4 fis r8 f f f_"&c." }
  \new Staff \relative g { \clef bass \key g \minor
    r8^\markup \bold "S" g g g g8. fis16 fis4 |
    r8 c'4 c8 c4 bes | r8 bes g a16 bes e,4 a |
    r8 c c c c8. b16 b4 } >>