Page:Fun upon fun, or, Leper, the tailor (3).pdf/16

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                 set the whole house a roaring out murder in
                 their own tongue. The goodwife ran to
                 the bed above the goodman, and the whole
                 family cried out, not knowing what it was;
                 but Leper and his two lads whipt off the
                 blankets, and the brute ran in among the
                 rest unperceived; then Leper lighted a can-
                 dle, and all of them got out of bed, paid
                 Leper for his work, and more if he pleased,
                 and begged him to go away, and take
                 the devil with him. So home he went,
                 but never was employed by that wife any
                   Leper had a peal of the best customers
                 both in town and country; so one time he
                 had occasion to go to the parish of Inchinan,
                 to make a wedding suit for a gentleman,
                 after they were finished he desired drink
                 money for his lads, which the gentleman
                 refused: Leper resolved to be even with
                 him, so he goes to the hay loft where the
                 groom slept, and takes his stockings,
                 breeches, and jacket, sewed them together,
                 and stuffs them full of hay; makes a head,
                 puts a rope about the neck, and hangs it on
                 a tree, opposite to the lairds window; then
                 goes to the laird and tells him that his
                 groom had hanged himself, and that if he
                 would open his window he would see him
                 hanging; the laird was struck with aston-
                 ishment, and knew not what to do; Leper