Page:Fun upon fun, or, The comical and merry tricks of Leper the tailor (5).pdf/10

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auld barn door, and the calf kist will do well enough ; ony thing's gude e- nough to gang to the grave wi'; but 0, quo' she, sent for Sandy, my honest auld servant, and he'll see everything right tone; I'll tell him where the will get siller to do any thing wi'; he's the lad that will not see vie wrang d. Then Sandy comes wrying his face, and rubbing his eyes. ' O Sandy, there's a sad al erarioniere, (illegible text) and ba-a-a, she cries like a bitten calf, O srs, will ye gang a' but he house till I tell him what to do; but they went, and there she fel a hassing of Sandy, and said, Now, my dear. eaula chartering guest is a sa', nod we'll get our will other; be as baining of everything as ye cas, Lor thou hens it's a' thy ain; but the corpse's sister, and some other people came in; ben they went Ste the corps, lifts up tre cloth off his face, aud sieing bu all in a pear of swear, sai, hech ne's a bonny corp., and a livery line culour; when he ud no longer chin himself to curry on the