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Vatican City State

Fundamental Law of Vatican City State

26 November 2000

Pope John Paul II

Having taken into account the need to give a systematic and organic form to the changes introduced in successive phases in the juridical structure of Vatican City State and wishing to make it correspond always better to the institutional purposes of the State, which exists as an appropriate guarantee of the freedom of the Apostolic See and as a means of assuring the real and visible independence of the Roman Pontiff in the exercise of his mission in the world, We, on our own initiative (Motu Proprio) and with certain knowledge, with the fullness of Our sovereign authority, have established and hereby establish the following, to be observed as the Law of the State:

Art. 1

1. The Supreme Pontiff, Sovereign of Vatican City State, has the fullness of legislative, executive and judicial powers.

2. During the vacancy of the See, the same powers belong to the College of Cardinals which, however, can issue legislative dispositions only in a case of urgency and with efficacy limited to the time of the vacancy, unless they are confirmed by the Supreme Pontiff subsequently elected in conformity with Canon Law.

Art. 2

The representation of the State in relations with foreign states and with other subjects of international law, for the purpose of diplomatic relations and the conclusion of treaties, is reserved to the Supreme Pontiff, who exercises it by means of the Secretariat of State.

Art. 3

1. Legislative power, except for those cases which the Supreme Pontiff intends to reserve to himself or to other subjects (istanze), is exercised by a Commission composed of a Cardinal President and other Cardinals, all named by the Supreme Pontiff for a five-year term.

2. In case of the absence or impedance of the President, the Commission is presided over by the first of the Cardinal Members.

3. The meetings of the Commission are convoked and presided over by the President; the Secretary General and the Vice Secretary General participate in them with a consultative vote.

Art. 4