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1. Judicial power is exercised, in the name of the Supreme Pontiff, by the organs constituted according to the judicial structure of the State.

2. The competence of the individual organs is regulated by the law.

3. Acts of jurisdiction must be carried out within the territory of the State.

Art. 16

In any civil or penal case and in any stage of the same, the Supreme Pontiff can defer the instruction and the decision to a particular subject (istanza), even with the faculty of pronouncing a decision according to equity and with the exclusion of any further recourse (gravamen).

Art. 17

1. Without prejudice to what is determined in the following article, whoever claims that a proper right or legitimate interest has been damaged by an administrative act can propose hierarchical recourse or approach the competent judicial authority.

2. Hierarchical recourse precludes a judicial action in the same matter, unless the Supreme Pontiff authorizes it in the individual case.

Art. 18

1. Controversies concerning labour relations between the employees (dipendenti) of the State and the Administration are within the competence of the Labour Office of the Apostolic See, according to its own Statute.

2. Recourses against disciplinary provisions taken in regard to the employees of the State can be proposed before the Court of Appeal, according to its own norms.

Art. 19

The faculty to grant amnesties, indults, remissions and favours is reserved to the Supreme Pontiff.

Art. 20

1. The flag of Vatican City State is constituted by two fields divided vertically, a yellow one next to the staff and a white one, and bears in the latter the tiara with the keys, all according to the model which forms attachment A of the present Law.

2. The coat of arms is constituted by the tiara and keys, according to the model which forms attachment B of the present Law.