Page:Future of England - Peel.djvu/233

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Hongkong, we turned to the Indian army for men. Railways in Uganda or the Soudan are constructed by the help of Indian labour. The plantations of Demerara or Natal are exploited by Indian industry. Egypt is irrigated, and the Nile dammed, by officers trained in India. Indian forest officers tap the resources of Central Africa and Siam, and Indian surveyors explore the earth.

In a word, the future of India is to co-operate with the future of England.

Therefore, when we are justly told, by those who know, that India is not, and never will be, a nation, and that she consists of many nations at eternal variance with one another and parted by the profound abysses of race, creed, language, and history, we can assent. But that assent must not be taken to imply that, ruled by many governments co-ordinated into one common focus, she cannot pursue a definite policy and stand as a clear unity in the future before mankind.

Therefore, too, when we are assured, by those who know, that the Indian will never "love" our government, and that his almost sacred preoccupation is against it, and that there is in his heart an unconquerable and immitigable distaste for its presence, we may agree. But then, we may ask what Englishman "loves" our domestic government, or is "loyal" to its too inquisitive functionaries, or does not feel an innate aversion to the rule of his political opponents, half the nation at least.

It is more to the point to remember, in the