Page:Future of England - Peel.djvu/239

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Adonais, cited, 195
Agricultural labourers, wages of, 58
Agriculture in England, 56-60
Alfred, King, 205
Aligarh College, 195
America, South, 162
Anarchy in 1911, 38
Anne, Queen, 25
Aragon, 22
Arbitration, Anglo-French, 157
International, 156-157
La Fontaine on, 156
Renault on, 157
Arelate, the, 22
Arndt, cited, 140
Arnold, Matthew, cited, 98, 175
Asiatic empire of England, 171
Asiatics and nationality, 201-203
Asquith, Prime Minister, cited, 158
Athens and freedom, 19-20
Augustine, Saint, 108
Aurungzebe, Emperor, 178
Austria, characteristics of, 10-13, 22
Bacon, cited, 33
Bajazet, cited, 173
Balfour, Mr., cited, 114, 157
Beaconsfield, Lord, cited, 131-132, 184, 216
Beluchistan, pacification of, 177
Bentham, Jeremy, cited, 122
Bentinck, Lord William, cited, 188
Berlin Conference, 125
Bishop of Madras on Indian Christianity, 207-208
Bismarck, cited, 11, 12, 16, 115, 134, 140, 144-145, 167
Boers, policy of, 115
Bohemia, 22
Boileau, 13
Boniface VIII., cited, 21
Bossuet, 13
cited, 16
Brandenburg, 22
Brienne, 24
Bright, cited, 219
Bryce, Mr., cited, 121
Buddha, cited, 195
Buddhism, 194-195
Bulgaria and independence, 128-129
Bülow, Prince, on Poland, 140
Burgundy, 22
Burke, cited, 9, 25, 111, 121
Burma, Upper, pacification of, 177
Burns, Mr. John, cited, 91
Calcutta, 185
Canning, Lord, cited, 212
and America, 165
Castile, 22
Catherine II., Empress, 132
Central government of India, 218- 220
Chailley, M., cited, 183
Chamberlain, Mr., cited, 70-71, 148-149, 153, 184
Child legislation, 86-88
Children, physical condition of, 90-91
Children's Act of 1908, 88
China, break-up of, 145-146
Chirol, Mr., cited, 182
Christianity in India, 205-208
Church and State, 19-26
Coal, usefulness of, 46
Code, Penal, 110
Commission of 1842-1843, 84-85
on Land, India, 179-184
upon decentralisation, 218-219
Committee of 1908, on children, 88-89
on oriental studies, 175
Comte, cited, 92, 196