Page:G. B. Lancaster-The tracks we tread.djvu/160

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Chapter X

“She wants me to give it up,” said Maiden.

In a little back bedroom at Blake's, Suse had been whispering to the other girl of Danny, and showing, half -shyly, the trousseau made with such anxious labour. She smoothed a white frill with rough fingers, speaking absently.

"Why, dear?"

"Weil — she says — do you think the bonnet's so awful unbecoming, Suse?"

Suse shut a little smile into the drawer with the white frill.

"Trust a mother ter find out jest where ter tackle a gel," she murmured. Then she looked over at Maiden's face closed in the curve of her hands as a flower is closed in its sheath.

"Didn't nobuddy ever tell yer as more than the Lassie bonnet weren't becoming ter yer, Maiden?"

"Only Steve Derral — an' he don't count."

'pon't he? Since when?"

"Since always," said Maiden, untruthfully.

"I ain't seen him this month past. He's up

musterin' somewheres out back, Danny says."