Page:GB Lancaster--law-bringer.djvu/224

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"Where would be the use of my helping him to get away if I told of him now?" she asked naively; and Dick saw more than one of the jury smile.

Her counsel made much of the point that, Ducane being a free agent at the time of his disappearance, Jennifer had committed no crime in assisting him, nor in destroying his papers at his command. She denied most firmly any knowledge concerning Ducane's connection with the Canada Home-lot Extension Company. Ducane had told her to burn all the papers in his escritoire, and she had been doing it hastily when she was interrupted. Many of them mentioned the Company, and she would have no objection to giving the address if she knew it. But she did not remember it, even if she had read it. She was dismissed at last with a verdict of "Not proven," and a heavy fine for contempt of court; and Dick, who had hoped for something better, had venom on his tongue when Tempest went to his room before dinner that night.

"I can't think that Mrs. Ducane was lying, though I thought you were," said Tempest. "Did you try to make her love you?"

Dick was dressing after a bath. But he stopped to laugh at Tempest.

"She isn't the first woman, and she won't be the last," he said. "Need you look so solemn over it?"

"I had not thought that you were a scoundrel," said Tempest slowly.

"Oh, well;" Dick shrugged his shoulders. "That little pour passer le temps did her good on the whole. And it didn't hurt me."

"I wonder if anything can hurt you now."

"Not much, I fancy. Not this, anyway. She gave me a run for my money, though."

Tempest went out in disgust, and Dick frowned as he hooked his collar. He had never loved Jennifer better than now, and he had never been so afraid of her. All which she had held sacred he had dragged into the light, making her testify to it as well as himself. She had been asked once if she loved him, and Dick's heart had stopped with fear before the question was waived. For he knew