Page:GB Lancaster--law-bringer.djvu/303

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they make up for it in another. Find their level, as you may say. But Dick and I would like to see them in something stylish. Not neat, plain, serviceable garments, such as you send, and not squishy things either. There's one chiffon bonnet with rosebuds that I've tried on every girl in the district—and not one of 'em but would scare a skunk in it. You have to study their requirements, you know. There are half a dozen would make a good stand in the matrimonial market if they were dressed to kill."

"You appear to take a great interest in human nature," began Mrs. Chichester acidly.

"In half of it;" Slicker's bow was as unimpeachable as his voice. But Jennifer broke in ruthlessly.

"He doesn't really know anything about it, Mrs. Barrymore. Miss Chubb never lets him into the bale-room if she can help it. She told me once that he took more watching than a hen in the flower-garden. He dressed up to-day to amuse us, and he is just trying to act the part."

"Now, Mrs. Chichester, didn't you read all about the Missions and the Mounted Police in those articles Jennifer wrote for one of the Toronto papers?"

"Slicker! I never wrote them. You know I didn't. And if I had——" Jennifer went red and white. She had been too far inside that life to speak of it lightly.

"Well, of course, you don't know the whole of it, anyway. A Mounted Policeman has to carry his life in his hand, you know. His life in one hand and his revolver in the other, and his reins between his teeth. That's why they won't let you into the Force if you have false teeth. Too much depends on their staying in. Mine are all right." Slicker smiled to prove it. "And I am joining next month. It's a tricky kind of life—but I don't want to harrow you by telling you too much about that sort of thing. We men are accustomed to danger, you know."

Jennifer looked at him with interest. His manner was certainly splendid. Even Mrs. Chichester was impressed, and Angela Barrymore never took her eyes off him.

"Of course anyone who lives constantly in such conditions cannot be exactly normal," vouchsafed Mrs. Chichester, with the air of one granting a concession.