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Oh, hum. Now that Nancy’s baby is gurgling or squalling, according to a full tummy, or tooth conditions; and Nancy is looking, as Gadsby says, “as good as a million dollars,” I find that that busy young son-of-a-gun, Dan Cupid, is still snooping around Branton Hills. And now who do you think is hit? Try to think of a lot of girls in Gadsby’s old Organization of Youth. No, it’s not Sarah Young, nor Lucy Donaldson, nor Virginia Adams. It was brought to your historian in this way:—

Lady Gadsby and His Honor sat around his parlor lamp, His Honor noticing that Lady G. was smiling, finally saying:—



“Kathlyn and John Smith,——


“I said that Kathlyn and John Smith want to——

“Oho! Aha!! I’ll call up Pastor Brown to start right off dolling up his big church!”

“No, no! Not now! Wait about six

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