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ma, and riding back with Frank at about six o’clock.


Old Doctor Wilkins, coming in on a cool, sharp night, found His Honor, Nancy, Kathlyn, Bill, Julius, Lucy, Mary, Frank and John all in that big parlor.

“Now, you bunch, it’s up to you. Lady Gadsby will pull through all right,” (Nancy rushing wildly to kiss him!) “it hangs now upon good nursing; and I know you will furnish that. And I will say without a wisp of a doubt, that a calm, happy room; not too many around; and—and—hmmm!! Julius, can’t you hunt around in our woods that you and Kathlyn know so thoroughly, and find a tall, straight young fir; cut it down, rig it up with lights and a lot of shiny stuff; stand it up in your Ma’s room, and——


’Tis a night, almost Christmas,
And all through that room
A warm joy is stirring;
No sign of a gloom.
And “Ma,” sitting up,

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