Page:Gaii institutionum iuris civilis commentarii quattuor, or, Elements of Roman law by Gaius (Poste, Third Edition, 1890, gaiiinstitution00gaiu).djvu/25

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Inst. Institutes of Justinian.
Dig. or D. Digest or Pandects of Justinian.
Cod. or C. Codex of Justinian.
The meaning of the numbers that follow these abbreviations will be obvious to any one who opens a volume of the Corpus Juris.
Pr. stands for principio, meaning, in the first paragraph of a title of the Institutes, or of a fragment of a title of the Digest.
The Commentaries of Gaius are referred to by numbers indicating the book and the paragraph : e. g. 2 § 5, indicates the 5th paragraph of Book 2.
When Ulpian or Paulus is quoted, the works referred to are the Regulae of Ulpian and the Sententiae Receptae of Paulus.
When Savigny or Vangerow is simply cited, the references are to Savigny, System des heutigen Römischen Rechts; Vangerow, Lehrbuch der Pandekten.