Page:Gametronics Proceedings.djvu/172

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Television Receivers $4.2
Audio Equipment 2.5
Other Consumer Equipment 2.8
Total $9.5

Table 1. Major Consumer Electronic Markets (in billion of dollars).

Microwave Ovens $0.8
Electronic Watches 0.5
Electronic Games 0.425
Calculators 0.4
Musical Instruments 0.3
Miscellaneous 0.375
Total $2.8

Table 2. Other Consumer Markets (in billions of dollars).

1980 17 $625 to $1000
1979 16 700
1978 12 575
1977 8 425

Table 3. Projected Game Sales (in millions of units and millions of dollars).

Year Dedicated Games Programmable Games
1980 Under $25 Under $50
1979 $25 $50
1978 $30 $65
1977 Over $35 Over $100

Table 4. Projected Retail Prices.

Nov. '76 Feb. '77
1. Magnavox 615 625
2. Atari 600 650
3. Unisonic 450 300
4. Coleco 425 925
5. Others 3750 Total 3750

Note: First column shows projections; second column shows figures subsequently reported.

Source: Creative Strategies, Inc.

Table 5. Estimated 1976 TV Game Sales by Company in Thousands of Units.
