Page:Garden Cities of To-morrow (1902).djvu/171

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Variety in architecture, 24; in cultivation of soil, 25; in employments, 111

Vested Interests, indirectly threatened,become divided, 135; the same thing has occurred before, 135; vested interests of skill, labour, energy, talent, and industry, the most important of all vested interests consolidated by the same force which divides the vested interests of land and capital in twain, 138

Villages, Depopulation of. (See Country.)


Wages, Effect of competition upon, 81

Wakefield, Art of Colonisation, 102 ; J. S. Mill's view of it, 104

War, implements of, drop down, 140

Ward, Mrs. Humphrey, all changes preceded by sporadic efforts, 94

Wards, town divided into by boulevards, 22; each ward in a sense a complete town, 45; work on one practically complete before commencing on another, 45

Waste products, utilisation of, 33

Water, scarcity of in country, 17

Water-supply usually a source of revenue, 66

Wealth-forms for the most part extremely ephemeral, 118; J. S. Mill on, 118

Wells, Mr. H. G., on future growth of London, 142

Westgarth, Mr. William, prizes for essays on reconstruction of London, 149

Wilson, P. W., on the distribution of industry, 142

Winter Garden. (See Crystal Palace.)

Women may fill all offices in municipality, 75

Work, plenty of, 55, 88, 122, 130, 147

Workmen's trains, 148