Page:Garshin - Signal and Other Stories (1912).djvu/102

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'An honourable citizen!' Out of what school-books have you dug up this archaism? It is time to finish with sentimentalism; you are not a boy. . . . Do you know what Vasia——" And here Kudriasheff took Vassili Petrovich by the arm. "Let us be friends and drop this infernal subject. Better to drink to our comradeship. Ivan Pavlich, bring another bottle of this."

Ivan Pavlich slowly appeared with a fresh bottle. Kudriasheff filled the glasses.

"Well, we will drink to prosperity . . . of what? Well, it's all the same for your and my prosperity."

"I drink," said Vassili Petrovich with feeling, "that you may come to your senses. That is my strongest wish."

"Be a good chap and don't talk about that. . . . If I come to my senses, it will be impossible to drink; then things will be in a bad way. Do you see what your logic amounts to? Let us drink just simply without any toasts. Let us drop this boring argument. It is all the same, we shall not come to any agreement. You will not put me on the true path, and I shall not convince you. It is not worth it. You will come round to my views."

"Never!" exclaimed Vassili Petrovich with warmth, banging his glass on the table.

"Well, we'll see. But why have I told you all about myself, and you have said nothing about yourself? What have you been doing, and what are your plans?"

"I have already told you I have been appointed teacher."

"Is this your first place?"

"Yes, before this I used to give private lessons."

"And do you intend to give them here?"

"If I can find any. Why?"

"We will find some, my dear chap; we will find some," and Kudriasheff slapped Vassili Petrovich on the shoulder. "We will hand over all the local youth to you. How much did you charge an hour in Petersburg?"