Page:Gems of Arabic Literature.djvu/71

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forgive him, and settled on her and her children a pension from the Public Treasury which she received in full each month[1].

XVI. It is related that, when the Caliphate fell into the hands of the 'Abbasides, all the adherents of the Umayyades hid themselves from them. Among the Umayyades was one Ibrāhim, the son of Sulaimān, the son of Abdul Malik. This Ibrāhim was a learned, accomplished, and well-bred man; and he was withal in the prime of youth. The 'Abbasides procured a pardon for him from As-Saffāh. Abul 'Abbās As-Saffāh granted him this pardon, and treated him with honour, and said to him, "Attend my court." One day Abul-'Abbās As-Saffāh said to him, "O Ibrāhim! relate to me what happened to thee during thy concealment from the enemy." He replied, "To hear is to obey, O Prince of the Faithful!"

"I was hiding at Al-Hīrah in a house in a street overlooking the country[2] one day, while I was on the house-top, I suddenly beheld black flags coming out of Al-Kūfah, and making for Al-Hīrah. I fancied they were coming for me, so I quickly left the house in disguise (and proceeded) until I reached Al-Kūfah. But I knew of no one there with whom I could hide, so I was at my wit's end. I looked about, and, behold! I was at a large gateway (leading to) a spacious court-yard. I entered it, and saw a man with a handsome face and of graceful appearance entering the court-yard with his followers. He dismounted from his horse, and, looking round, saw me and said, 'Who art thou, and what dost thou want?' I replied, '(I am) a man who fears for his life[3], and who has come to seek shelter in thy house.' He made me enter his house, and took me to an apartment next to his harem; and (while) I was with him, I had everything I could desire in (the way of) food, drink, and clothing. He did not ask me anything about

  1. lit. month by month.
  2. lit. on a desert.
  3. lit. blood.