Page:General History of Europe 1921.djvu/221

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The Roman Empire at its Height 155 old Forum Caesar had constructed another business center, called the Forum of Caesar; but the growing business of the city led Augustus to build a third forum, known as the Forum of Augus- tus, which he placed next to that of Caesar (see Ancient Times, MAP OF ROME UNDER THE EMPERORS Fig. 247). The first stone theater in Rome had been built by Pompey. Augustus erected a larger and more magnificent one. 247. Books and Writers of Augustus's Time. It was during the life of Augustus that the writing of Latin reached its highest perfection. The Romans did little in science, and their art was an imitation of Greek models. As writers they were also dominated by the Greeks, and literary men often studied in Athens and spoke Greek among themselves when they returned to Italy. In the age before Augustus, Cicero, a lawyer, statesman, and remarkable