A Deſcription of the Comet.
Upon the 14 day I obſerved this Comets ray to paſs juſt betwixt us, and the upmoſt Star in the Vulters breaſt, and upon the 15 day, betwixt us and the midle brighteſt, and upon the 16 day, I found it to be at 6 a Clock at night in Capricorn 17 d. 01′ 30″ in Latitude 14 d. 47' North, at which time the Suns place is Capricorn 06 0.08′ 30″ and the loweſt Stars place is Capricorn 27 d. 55′ in lat. 27d. 10′ Again 24 d. at 9 a clock at night, its place is Aquarius, 20 d. 18′ 30″ in Lat. 25 d. 46' Norch. Likewiſe 29 day at 9 a clock at night, its place is Piſces, 14 d. 19' in Lat. 18 d. 20' 33" North. Again 1681. Jan. 6 day, at 6 a clock at night its place is Aries 10 d. 50' 53" in Lat. 26 d. 15′ 38″ North, its mean diſtance from the Earth is 1238911 miles, its Node aſcending Sagitarius 18 d. 21′ greateſt Lat. viz. 28 d. 40′ 30″ in Piſces 18 d. 21′ Node deſcending Gemini 18 d. 21′ which will be about Jan. 23 day, after which you ſhall ſcarce diſcern it, ſo that I ſee it amongſt the Orbs of the Planets and not upon the Stary frame, as is falſely Alledged by ſome of our new Artiſts, in whom the Vulgars put much truſt, and yet they will have it between us and the Moon, which is impoſſible: Yes theſe Obſervations I have made, and will approve of them as reale; As alſo the Long. by Celeſtial obſervation, al- though there be many who profeſs to be Artiſts and yet knows little of Art, bur only a few Latine and Greek phra- ſes on it, holds it impoſſible, becauſe they know no better; and yet there is other good Artiſts, who although they have it not, believes it to be true, knowing that Art may produce many things.
Advertiſement. Such as deſire any Mathematical Inſtruments made of Wood, as Scales or the like, with the uſe thereof may find me over againſt the foot of Peebles-winde in the Cowgate of Edinburgh, where they ſhall have Scales of my forming, that ſhall reſolve Mathematical queſtions both ſpeedily and exactly. Ja. Paterſon.