Page:Geology and Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural Theology, 1837, volume 1.djvu/186

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marrow, while their cylindrical form tended also to combine this lightness with strength.[1]

The form of the teeth shows the Megalosaurus to have been in a high degree carnivorous: it probably fed on smaller reptiles, such as Crocodiles and Tortoises, whose remains abound in the same strata with its bones. It may also have taken to the water in pursuit of Plesiosauri and fishes.[2]

The most important part of the Megalosaurus yet found, consists of a fragment of the lower jaw, containing many

  1. The medullary cavities in the fossil bones of the Megalosaurus, from Stonesfield, are usually filled with calcareous spar. In the Oxford Museum there is a specimen from the Wealden freshwater formation at Langton, near Tunbridge Wells, which is perhaps unique amongst organic remains: it presents the curious fact of a perfect cast of the interior of a large bone, apparently the femur of a Megalosaurus, exhibiting the exact form and ramifications of the marrow, whilst the bone itself has entirely perished, The substance of this cast is fine sand, cemented by oxide of iron, and its form distinctly represents all the minute reticulations, with which the marrow filled the intercolumniations of the cancelli, near the extremity of the bone. It exhibits also casts of the perforations along the internal parietes, whereby the vessels entered obliquely from the exterior of the bone, to communicate with the marrow. A mould of the exterior of the same bone has been also formed by the sandstone in which it is imbedded: hence, although the bone itself has perished, we have precise representations both of its external form and internal cavities, and a model of the marrow that filled this femur, nearly as perfect as could be made by pouring wax into an empty marrow-bone, and corroding away the bone with acid. The sand which formed this cast must have entered the medullary cavity by a fracture across the other extremity of the bone, which was wanting in the specimen.

    From this natural preparation of ancient anatomy we learn that the disposition of marrow, and its connexion with the reticulated extremities of the interior of the femur, were the same in these gigantic Lizards of a former world, as in medullary cavities of existing species.

  2. Mr. Broderip informs me that a living Iguana (I. Tuberculata,) in the gardens of the Zoological Society of London, in the summer of 1834, was observed frequently to enter the water, and swim across a small pond, using its long tail as the instrument of progression, and keeping its fore-feet motionless.