Page:George Green - 2nd Light Horse Regiment Gallipoli Volume 1.djvu/27

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short stretch outside our Brigade Headquarters. To tour up & down the gully in these days was to run the gauntlet indeed. There was the insignificant well disguised loophole up on the ridge & it is terrible to think of the amount of deaths & wounds which issued forth from it. After a while however our men were top dog. First sand bag barricades half way across the gully at intervals on alternating sides. This and a deep sap – due I believe to the initiative of Lt. Col Rowell of the 3rd Regt considerably minimized the evil.[1] But its real conqueror was that most efficient "Snipers Band" organised in the Division under Captain Grace of the N.Z. Forces & in our sector under Sergt Murdo Mack of the 1st Regt & to which the 2nd Regiment contributed some fine marksmen. They worked in pairs. Constructing a 'possy' of sand bag for protection the one would have his rifle at the loop-hole & the other alongside with a telescope keeping continuous observation on the aperture where the enemy rifle appeared. "Fire!" "At ten yards to the right". So in

  1. It was while inspecting these sand bag barricades near the 'bivvies' of the 3rd Regt on Sunday May 16th that General Bridges received the wound which afterwards proved fatal.