Page:George Green - 2nd Light Horse Regiment Gallipoli Volume 1.djvu/40

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there had not been ten seconds day or night wherein one could not have heard rifle or machine gun shot. The peace was of short duration. By 6.30 the firing re-opened & by 8.30 as the sun went down in splendour behind Samothrace the hellish noise resumed its former intensity.

This lull proved to be the harbinger of an official Armistice which after negotiations was arranged for May 24th. For the intervening days there is nothing exceptional to report. The Turks bombarded with extra vehemence on the night of May 20-21st & at 7.30 pm on the evening of the 21st he gave us another ration of "Jack Johnson" pills which in doses of 200 lb fell fair on our position without causing a single casualty.

The majority of our Regiment were in these days bivouaced in rear of the 2nd line trenches near Brigade H'qrs in Monash Gully.