Page:George Henry Soule - Recent Developments in Trade Unionism (1921).pdf/29

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using some of the best university teachers, have been set up in Boston, Philadelphai, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Minneapolis, Washington and Seattle.

These scattered labor education experimental activities recently met in national conference and a Workers' Education Bureau of America was launched for the purpose of co-ordination and mutual help in the important field of labor education.

10. Labor Press

Since the war the labor press has grown rapidly in spite of unfavorable conditions, and a number of newspapers under labor auspices have been set up in various parts of the country. These papers now have their own news service, the Federated Press, which has recently established European connections, and is developing plans for enlarging its activities in the United States. The workers everywhere are awaking to the necessity of having sources of information upon which they can depend.

11. Research and Publicity

Labor is also realizing its need for accurate information on its problems. It needs studies of prices and of wages for arbitration proceedings, and it needs studies of industry in laying its plans and developing its tactics. This has given rise to an in-