Page:George McCall Theal, History of South Africa from 1795 to 1872, Volume 1 (4th ed, 1915).djvu/52

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History of the Cape Colony.

a munificent patron, the other a grateful receiver of favours. This position must insensibly have coloured Barrow's pages. Then there was at least one strong sentiment in common to them both: a detestation of jacobin principles, so deep-rooted as to prevent them seeing any merit whatever in those who held republican views.

What to Barrow seemed liberal government appeared to others of his time oppressive and narrow; and there certainly never was a period in the history of the Cape Colony when there was less freedom of speech on political questions than during the administration of the earl of Macartney.

All the high offices were filled by Englishmen in receipt of large salaries. From the date of his appointment the governor drew from the colonial revenue £10,000 a year, besides a table allowance of £2,000 ; and he had the promise of a pension upon his retirement of £2,000 a year for life. The lieutenant-governor drew a salary of £3,000 a year. Mr. Andrew Barnard, colonial secretary, drew a salary of £3,500 a year. Mr. Hercules Ross, who had acted as secretary under General Craig, was now appointed deputy secretary, with a salary of £1,500 a year. Mr. John Hooke Greene filled the office of collector of customs, with a salary of £1,000 a year. Mr. Anguish, a young gentleman who came out with Lord Macartney purposely to be provided for, received the situation of controller of customs, with a salary of £1,000 a year; and upon his death a couple of days later, the office was transferred to Mr. Acheson Maxwell, previously one of the governor's private secretaries. Mr. Barrow was employed for a time in commissions to different parts of the country, and was then made auditor-general, with a salary of £1,000 a year. Mr. Edward Buckley was appointed civil paymaster, with a salary of £1,000 a year, and Mr. Henry James Jessup chief searcher of customs, with a salary of £700 a year. Without going further,