Page:George Soule - The Intellectual and the Labor Movement.djvu/34

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or defense campaign. You will work with six leaders and disagree with five. You will learn to assert that independence of judgment which is the backbone of any sound press; and to practice that cooperation which abides by the mistakes of fellow workers.

Thus you find that spot in the movement which needs a labor paper or that sheet which might be a paper if it had an editor. There are a hundred such needy places right now.

This piece reads like a prescription. It is written for one hundred men leaving college or wanting to leave newspapers, young, of good heart, vertebrae and intestines, but suffering dull pains whenever they think of a life-work. The prescription mainly assures them of a decent living while taking the cure.


The Federated Press, Carl Haessler, manager, 511 N. Peoria St., Chicago, Ill. Supplies more than 100 labor papers with 4 daily news service.

There are several hundred labor papers in the country. among those of outstanding importance are:


The Locomotive Engineers' Journal, Albert C. Coyle, acting editor, B, L. E. Building, Cleveland, Ohio. This journal has of late developed features of great interest to all students of labor problems. Magazine of Locomotive Enginemen and Firemen, John McNamee, editor, Guardian Building, Cleveland, Ohio. Machinists' Journal, Fred Hewitt, editor, Machinists' Building, Washington, D. C. The American Federationist, Samuel Gompers, editor, Washington, D. C. International Molders' Journal, John P. Frey, editor, Box 699, Cincinnati, Ohio. The United Mine Workers' Journal, Indianapolis, Ind. International Typographical Journal, Bankers Trust Building, Indianapolis, Ind.


Justice,; organ of International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, Max D. Danish, editor, 3 W. 16th St., New York City. Advance, organ of Amalgamated Clothing Workers, Joseph Schlossberg, editor, 31 Union Square, New York City. Industrial Solidarity, I. W. W. organ, 1001 W. Madison St., Chicago, Ill. The Illinois Miner, Illinois Miners' Building, Springfield, Ill.


New York Call, Minneapolis Daily Star, Seattle Union Record, Milwaukee Leader, Oklahoma Leader, Jewish Daily Forward (Yiddish).