Page:George Weston--The apple-tree girl.djvu/102

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Saying so, he stole a glance at her, and at the same time (covertly studying him) she happened to be stealing a glance at him. The next moment Charlotte was staring straight ahead; but the young physican wasn't!

"You know, I don't expect to be a country doctor all my life," he continued. "Some day I'm going to New York and take a post-graduate course in surgery, and keep working and studying till I get to be one of the best-known surgeons in the country. You'd be surprised how much those fellows make out of a single operation. Why some of 'em won't look at anything less than a thousand dollars!"

They had reached the top of the hill, and, as it wasn't yet time for the sunset, Charlotte looked at the pill box with its ingenious rows of vials and multicolored pellets.

"Isn't it wonderful! " she said, glanc-