Page:George Weston--The apple-tree girl.djvu/108

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Charlotte the day after school had closed for the summer. From which you can see that she must have been thinking of Neil, particularly as she was practising difficult shots in the gravel pit. "To-morrow I'll go and have my name entered for the Woman's Tournament, and after that, of course, I shan't be able to think of anything else."

Next morning she went down to the New London Golf Club where, as you know, she was already good friends with Mr. Ogilvie, the professional. Perhaps her adventure with Neil had given an added assurance to her playing as well, but whatever it was, after she had gone around the course twice with Mr. Ogilvie, he not only opened his eyes in the widest amazement, but he also said: "Will ye come to the clubhouse a few minutes, Miss Marlin? I want to introduce you to our president and have a few words wi' him."

He left her in a chair on the veranda